July 30, 2024

Bell Let�s Talk Diversity Fund 2022

"The Bell Let�s Talk Diversity Fund supports the mental health and
Bell Let�s Talk Diversity Fund 2022

As part of Bell�s commitment to take a strong stance against racism, social injustice and the impacts on ethno-cultural communities, the Bell Let�s Talk Diversity Fund supports the mental health and well-being of members of Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) communities across Canada.

The Bell Let�s Talk Diversity Fund supports organizations with projects aiming to reduce the stigma around mental illness and/or increase access to culturally informed mental health and well-being support for BIPOC communities in Canada.

Eligibility Requirements:

Preference will be given to organizations:

  • Led by an individual who is a member of the BIPOC community they support (e.g., Executive Director)
  • Managed by a board, council or executive committee predominantly consisting of individuals who reflect the community they support

Preference will be given to projects:

  • With a 2-5 year time period
  • That clearly articulates how the proposed project will advance the mental health and well-being of the community it serves through anti-stigma and/or access to care
  • That offers services that are evidence and culturally-informed
  • That identify community impacts, specifying the number or increased number of individuals helped through the project, and how it will be measured

Grant Terms

  • The Fund will award grants of up to $200,000 payable over 2-5 years.
  • The Bell Let�s Talk Diversity Fund may provide a grant amount for less than that requested; when this happens, the grantee must submit a revised budget within the amount approved.
  • Stewardship reports are due on an annual basis and subsequent payments are conditional on the satisfactory completion of the annual stewardship report.

Other Funds

  • Post-Secondary Fund: �August 10 at 12:00pm PST.
  • Community Fund: Re-opens January 2023.

Application Deadline: August 16 2022

For More Information: Bell Let�s Talk Diversity Fund

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