July 30, 2024

City of Edmonton Individual Business Grants for Edmonton-based Businesses

" Businesses are only able to obtain a maximum of one $1,000 matching
City of Edmonton Individual Business Grants for Edmonton-based Businesses

The City of Edmonton is applications for its Individual Business Grants program (City Stream).

Eligible businesses can apply for an Individual Business Grant through one, or both, of the following components:

  1. Local Economic Conditions Component: For urgent needs to help individual businesses quickly recover from COVID-19 impacts. Most microgrants will be $1,000.�For reference, if a business has received an Individual Business Grant before October 5, 2021, it will have received funding through this Component.
  2. Restrictions Exemption Program Component: For businesses that are in-scope to participate in the Restrictions Exemption Program Component. Funding is available to support the costs incurred by individual businesses in their administration of the�Provincial Restrictions Exemption Program. Microgrants will be $1,000.

Businesses are only able to obtain a maximum of one $1,000 matching grant under the Local Economic Conditions Component, and a maximum of one $1,000 matching grant under the Restrictions Exemption Program Component. For clarity, an eligible local business that previously received a $1,000 Individual Business Grant, may apply for and potentially receive an additional $1,000 matching grant from the Restrictions Exemption Program Component.


  • Your business must be located in Edmonton.
  • Your business must have demonstrated revenue decline�as a result of COVID-19.
  • You must have a valid business licence unless the City does not require you to have one. If you are unsure if you need a business licence, please call 311.
  • Only business owners or an appropriate designated authority, can apply.
  • Additional Eligibility Criteria - Restrictions Exemption Program Component\Only local businesses that are considered as an in-scope businesses under the Restrictions Exemption Program will be eligible for the Restrictions Exemption Program Component of the Individual Business Grant.

Application Procedure

  • Applicant name, mailing address, and contact information
  • Business name, address, website, and business licence number (View this�sample business licence�to identify where your business licence number is located)
  • Information about your business: who does your business serve? What industry does it belong to? (multiple choice)
  • Has your business experienced a decline in revenue due to COVID-19? (for example, since March 2020) (multiple choice, revenue decline expressed in percentages)?
  • Business demographic information (multiple choice)
  • Has your business previously received an Individual Business Grant?
  • Local Economic Conditions Component: If you receive a grant, what will you use the funding to accomplish, and why is this outcome important? How does this work align with the core criteria listed above? Be specific and concise. Please note that the City will use this description to evaluate your project against the program�s core criteria. (500 words or fewer)
    • For example, �I will use the funding to help build a website (what) that will help me reach a new market and increase revenues (why). This aligns with Business Transformation because this is a business pivot, Financial Sustainability because this will help increase revenue, and Economic Diversification because this will help make my business more resilient."
  • Restrictions Exemption Program Component: Please describe how your business is considered an in-scope business under the Restrictions Exemption Program, as well as how this funding will assist your business in its participation in the Restrictions Exemption Program. Be specific and concise. Please note that the City will use this description to evaluate your project (length: 500 words or less).
    • For example, �I will use the funding to help cover the wages of staff who will be checking the vaccination status of patrons. I will also use the funding to help cover the cost of scanning equipment that will be used as a vaccine verification system. I want to allow for indoor dining in my restaurant, so I must participate in the Restrictions Exemption Program in order to do so.�
  • How much money do you anticipate spending on the project you described in the previous question(s), in total, including grant funding (if awarded)? (multiple choice)

Additional Documents Needed

  • Business Licence number (if applicable) � note, this is issued by the City of Edmonton. This does not include other numerical identifiers such as your GST number or corporate registry number. View this�sample business licence�to identify where your business licence number is located.
  • A signed declaration in digital form (please download, sign, and upload the scan or photograph of the declaration). Declarations for Corporations and Sole Proprietors are found at the bottom of this page.
  • If your business directly supports marginalized groups/communities, please tell us which of these groups your business supports, and how you support them. (maximum 100 words)
  • Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your project related to the core criteria that will help us evaluate your application? (200 words or fewer)

For More Information: City of Edmonton Individual Business Grants

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