The Facebook EPIC Brand Framework.


A Brand is a promise of value that a customer can expect everytime they interact with a company offering, product or service. Getting your brand essence and promise right is one of the most important job of every entrepreneur.

The Facebook (META) E.P.I.C. brand framework helps with getting your messaging and brand promise consistent everywhere customers interact with your business.

A consistent brand will help people recognize your business, no matter where they interact or connect with it.

E.P.I.C. stands for Existence, Purpose, Identity and Connection. 

**[The EPIC Brand Framework](** is a step-by-step framework popularized by Social Media Company, Facebook (now Meta) to help businesses with their branding and social media presence.

brand is the collection of associations that people have about a product or business. People have personalities. Businesses have brands.

Your brand helps determine how people feel about your business, and how they would describe it to others.

A brand is more than just a logo. It includes:

  • Style
  • Communication
  • Behavior

The EPIC framework is based on four elements:

  • Existence: why your business exists
  • Purpose: what your business does and why
  • Identity: the look and feel of your business
  • Connection: your brand voice

EPIC Framework: Why your brand Exists, What its Purpose is, its visual Identity, and the connection you make with customers via written communication.


The creation story of your business is a great place to begin defining your brand.

Ask yourself these questions to describe how your business started:

  • When did you launch?
  • What problem did you try to solve?
  • How do you solve that problem now?


Your purpose includes what you do and why you do it. It’s the meaning behind the existence of your business.


Your brand’s visual identity is the look and feel of your business. This includes the visual cues that help people remember and recognize it.

You can communicate your brand’s visual identity through your logo, and through the palette of colors that you use at your physical location and in your marketing materials. You can also create a collage of images to help communicate your identity to people who help you with your marketing.


Finally, it’s important to think about the voice you use for your brand. Is it serious or funny? Formal or casual, or maybe somewhere in between? Respectful or irreverent? Matter-of-fact or enthusiastic?

This template can help you establish a consistent brand voice to guide the tone of your communications.


The EPIC Framework Brand Template.

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