July 30, 2024

The Black Career Conference Pitch Competition 2022 for Black entrepreneurs

The BCC 2022 Pitch Competition is open to all Black entrepreneurs whose
The Black Career Conference Pitch Competition 2022 for Black entrepreneurs
Link to LinkedIn page for BBVALink to Instagram page for BBVA

The Black Career Conference 2022 Pitch Competition, taking place on Friday, January 14th, 2022, is open to all Black entrepreneurs whose businesses are headquartered in Canada.

In addition to sharing in $20,000 in prize money, the Top 3 winning teams will earn a seat in the Black Youth Entrepreneurs Growth Program. And the next 5 will benefit from a guaranteed interview for the program!

The Black Youth Entrepreneurs Growth Program is designed to provide Black Youth Entrepreneurs with access to the entire suite of Labs Accelerator Program benefits while additionally providing exclusive content, resources, workshops, peer community, business coaching, and a curated stream of resources and tools built specifically for Black Youth Entrepreneurs in partnership with Black Entrepreneurs and Businesses of Society of Canada (BEBC).

\Eligibility Requirements:\\� Your business must be headquartered in Canada\� 25% of your founding team must identify as Black

Application deadline: December 31st, 2021

For More Information: Black Career Conference 2022 Pitch Competition

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