July 30, 2024

Aga Khan Foundation Canada International Youth Fellowship 2023/2024

The Fellowship offers a training program and an eight-month overseas
Aga Khan Foundation Canada International Youth Fellowship 2023/2024
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Aga Khan Foundation Canada International Youth Fellowship is a launching pad for diverse careers in the government, non-profit, media, and finance sectors.

Founded in 1989, the AKFC International Youth Fellowship program is a 9-month professional development program for Canadians seeking hands-on experience in international development. The Fellowship includes three unique streams: International Development Management (IDM), Young Professionals in Media (YPM), and International Microfinance and Microenterprise (IMM).

The International Youth Fellowship Program builds the skills of young Canadians and supports the work of AKFC�s partner organizations overseas. Participants can apply for one of three streams that best match their backgrounds and interests:

International Development Management�(IDM) Fellows benefit from placements in a variety of organizations, working in fields such as health, education, rural development, and civil society strengthening. Placements include positions in research, project management, communications, and monitoring and evaluation.

International Microfinance and Microenterprise�(IMM) Fellows gain experience with an organization involved in microfinance or market development, to develop skills in the day-to-day operations and evaluation of these programs.

Young Professionals in Media�(YPM) Fellows work as journalists for Nation Media Group, a leading media outlet in East Africa. With opportunities to report in print, broadcast, and digital media, Fellows gain the skills to work effectively in today�s global media environment.


To become an International Youth Fellow, applicants must:

� Be a citizen or permanent resident of Canada

� Be 30 years of age or younger at the time of the application deadline

� Be able to demonstrate a strong interest in the field of international development and their chosen Fellowship stream

� Hold at minimum an undergraduate university degree


| | || ----------------------------------- | ----------------------- || Launch of Online Application | November 8, 2022 || Applications Close | February 1, 2023 || Application Review | February || Interview Period | March || Offers to Candidates | Late March || Management Seminar | May 28 � June 17, 2023* || Fellows Depart for Field Placements | �July 1, 2023 || End of Placement | February 29, 2024 |

F_or More Information: AKFC Canada International Youth Fellowship

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