July 30, 2024

Futurpreneur and RBC Rock My Business Workshop Series - A chance to win

The Rock My Business workshop series is a free, virtual, three-part
Futurpreneur and RBC Rock My Business Workshop Series - A chance to win

Futurpreneur and RBC Future Launch proudly present Rock My Business, a free, virtual, three-part workshop series that will help you develop your idea, get started on your business plan and create a viable cashflow for your business�all while connecting with like-minded entrepreneurs in your community and across Canada.

If you need direction to develop your business idea, have a strong business idea OR recently launched a small business that you�d like to grow, register today for our next series of workshops.

The Three part Rock My Business Workshop Series

Note: Participants who complete at least two of the workshops are eligible to receive one-on-one coaching for free from Entrepreneurs in Residence, helping you strengthen your idea and business plan further.

RBC Rock My Business Startup Awards

You could win $10,000 to help launch your start-up! Futurpreneur and RBC proudly present the�RBC Rock My Business Startup Awards, eight awards of $10k�each given annually to diverse, young, aspiring entrepreneurs from across Canada, helping kickstart their businesses

Workshop 1: Rock My Business Idea

Take this workshop if you have a new business idea and want to test its viability before developing your business plan.

Participants will:

  • Learn how to develop an entrepreneurial mindset
  • Learn how to make their business idea more viable
  • Identify and learn how to overcome key gaps to achieve business viability
  • Set a short-term goal with timelines and actions to move their business forward

Note:�If you�ve already firmed up your business idea�or if you�ve recently launched a new business�and are ready to create a solid business plan, proceed directly to workshop 2,�Rock My Business Plan.

Workshop 2: Rock My Business Plan

Take this workshop if have a good grasp of your business idea and want to develop the foundations of a solid business plan.

Participants will:

  • Learn the essential elements of a successful business plan
  • Begin writing the four key sections of the business plan (Company Profile, Marketing Activities, Market Research, and Operations)
  • Identify the gaps, goals and next steps required to complete the business plan

Note:�It is recommended that all participants also register for the subsequent workshop,�Rock My Cash Flow.

Workshop 3: Rock My Cash Flow

Take this workshop if have completed the Rock My Business Plan workshop and want to proceed with developing your cash flow.

Participants will:

  • Better understand how to complete the Start Up Cost and Cash Flow sections of the business plan
  • Learn how to create realistic sales forecasts
  • Understand how the business plan and cash flow interconnect
  • Complete the first draft of the start-up costs and first month sales / expenses
  • Set a realistic date for completing the business plan and cashflow

For More Information: Rock My Business Workshop Series

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